Category Archives: Anodize

USGlass honors Linetec with Green Award

Linetec’s Bordeaux Anodize was honored as one of only seven industry-wide 2020 Green Award Winners [...]

Back to the office: Linetec supports attractive, “green” and clean workspaces

Choosing high-performance, durable, easy-to-clean finishes for architectural aluminum products supports companies’ goals to create attractive, [...]

Finishing considerations for educational facilities

Best in Class Campuses welcoming students, teachers and staff back to in-person classes have, at [...]

Brushed Anodize offers unique option for aluminum finishes

Linetec introduces Brushed Anodize as a new, unique aesthetic option for extruded and flat sheet [...]

Light Metal Age features Linetec’s Copper Anodize on Silicon Valley offices

The attractive appearance and high-performance durability and sustainability of Linetec’s Copper Anodize finish was highlighted [...]

Linetec’s finishing innovations article featured in PRISM

The article shares such finishing innovations as: Illustrating these innovations, options and trends, several project [...]

On-site repair and restoration brings our finishing experts to you

A building’s appearance can strongly influence whether prospective tenants find it attractive enough to sign [...]

Copper Anodize maintains its true color with no patina

Copper building materials have shaped and embellished architectural designs for millennia. Ancient Egyptians clad massive [...]

Classic Black finishes add elegance to homes’ contemporary and historically influenced designs

When building a new home or retrofitting an existing one, choosing the right color can [...]